Mariza Rosales Argonza is a visual artist, independent researcher, and cultural mediator. She received her bachelor at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM) and went on to complete a master’s in art history and a PhD in Modern and Contemporary Art from the Universidad Autónoma de Quéretaro/Centro de Cultura Casa Lamm in Mexico City. She received a postdoctoral fellowship at Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and was coordinator for the research centre Cultures-Arts-Sociétés (CELAT) at UQAM. Rosales Argonza published the 2018 edited volume Vues transversales: Panorama de la scène artistique latino-québécoise (Cross-sectional views: Panorama of the Latin-Quebec artistic scene) a collection of essays on visual and literary arts, published by CIDIHCA-LatinArte and has written various essays among them “Representations of the Latin American Diaspora in Quebec: Latino-Québécois Visions” for the edited volume Latin America Made in Canada published by Lugar Común Editorial.

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