The Day Everything Became Nothing, 2013
Mixed media, book pages
9.5 x 6.5 inches each
Courtesy of the Artist & Georgia Scherman Projects
The Day Everything Became Nothing looks to a more obscure history of colonialism. Castellanos whitewashes the pages of an old book which tells the history of the founding of Venice in the 5th century CE: a story of refugees fleeing nearby Roman towns to the lagoon that would become Venice, a swampy geography that deterred the invading Huns. Castellanos universalizes the material and brings this past into conversation with cycles of conquest and colonization spanning geographic boundaries.
Ulysses Castellanos
The Royal Family, 2013
Indian ink,magazine page
13.75 x 10.25inches each
Courtesy of theArtist & Georgia Scherman Projects
The Royal Family is a suite of paparazzi photographs culled from the pages of tabloid magazines from the mid-1990s which documented the lives of the British monarchy. Castellanos recasts these icons of high culture in a humorous yet sinister light: he paints their faces and clothes in black paint, creating grotesque but vaguely recognizable counterparts to the royals. Through his iconoclastic approach, Castellanos delivers a critique of the British colonization of the Americas and the centuries of exploitation the continent has endured as a consequence of European rule.
360 Installation View
Photo Credit Mirna Chacín