Film Screening
April 21-25
Becoming Cyborg
Becoming cyborg is an experimental autobiographical video that narrates the process of a person who, through a surgical intervention, decides to become a cyborg to face a hearing disability that she has been hiding for 24 years. It all begins when the author decides to confront and accept herself as disabled and begins a medical process to deconstruct the misconceptions of a society that disables the vulnerable person to be an active person who occupies a place in society. The personal descriptions told from the intimacy of family relationships that portray fear and frustration, as well as the protective mechanisms to cope with disabilities; become possibilities of creation, of perceiving and experiencing the world in a different but never wrong way through technology.The author understands that her disability should never have been a reason for insecurity and shame, as it never prevented her from developing as a sound designer in the film industry and as a sound teacher for the media. This story questions the meaning and impact of disability within the artistic endeavor and proposes it as an opportunity to find other forms of representation and identity in which to be disabled doesn’t mean being wrong. On the other hand, technology is also exposed as a tool that resignifies human relationships with other beings in spaces. The coexistence and fusion of the organic and the artificial interacting within a network in which empathy, desires and feelings are the basis of human relationships with their environment; an important aspect during the adaptation process of becoming a cyborg.
To watch the film after the symposium please email to get in touch with Diana.
Diana Martinez Muñoz
Cyborg. Sound engineer (University of San Buenaventura) with a master's degree in sound design for cinema (SCAD Savannah College of Arts and Design), professor and researcher at the School of Film and Television of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and lecturer on topics related to sound, art and audiovisual media.
For 12 years they have been developing post-production and sound design processes in audiovisual media (animations, fiction, documentary and experimental), they have developed sound concepts and processes as an expressive and narrative tool in local and international projects in the post production company “Guateque Cine”. They are part of different cinema and art research groups (Technopoetics, Cinema and gender, Espam) that approach the perception of sound from a socio-cultural field, the impact of technology on the human being through sound and the analysis of cinema from a gender and non-binary perspective.